Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Lecture 9

Hello again!

Wow, wow and wow! What more can I say about todays lecture. It was fantastic. I was talking to some friends as we left and we all just LOVED it!!!

The lecture subject was called 'cyberutopia' - following from the other lecture last week. (Or was it the week before?) We had a guest lecturer, Jason Nelson. He had all of us captivated. It wasn't a great turn out for the lecture I thought, those who didn't go sure missed out!

So, Jason talked about using the internet for different reasons. Like, for instance, I mainly use it for research and social networking. And, as Jason mentioned, Social Networking is the main reason that people use the internet. Not just sites like Facebook and Twitter, but in forms of blogging, comments and email - Communication!!

I loved the description of Social Networking Sites that Jason used, How there is a trend, like for instance - Myspace was all the rage. Then it was bebo and flickr, now facebook and twitter!! I find that amusing because I have followed that exact pattern with my internet usage! It was like, the rise and fall of websites or something. Very interesting. I had sort of noticed that already, but I thought it was just my age group!!

We went through a lot of websites, including Jason's own website, Secret Technology. It was so awesome and trippy!!!

It was wayyyy too much info to take in, and if I hadn't looked back at my lecture notes for this one, I wouldn't have remembered everything he said... I wish Jason was a book, so I could read so much more!!!

And on the note - I shall leave, I hope everyone has happy and productive holidays! See you in a week!!! (That is, after I post my tutorial tasks tomorrow!!!)


Until the next chapter...

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