Friday, September 18, 2009

Lecture 8

Well, there was no lecture today, due to union strikes!

I would have LOVED to have gone to this lecture!!! Politics is what I am majoring in, and this would have been right up my ally. I hope we touch on it next week!! Yes, I'm strange, don't judge me. You're the one reading my blogs, you should be the one being judged.

Studying politics, it's funny for me to see terms like 'e-democracy', it made me giggle. But, there is a certain truth to the concept. In this modern era, a lot of politicians are turning to the internet to reach a larger audience.

I also loved the term 'Cyberpunk'. Yes, that's right cyberpunks, you're SO cool, having an opinion and fighting for something OVER THE INTERNET. If you believe in something you should get out there and do it. You rebellious punks, you!

I can see the point of William Gibson's ideas, but to be perfectly honest, I don't see how they relate to the course.... or indeed, the questions at hand in the lecture. I've always loved the theories of 'utopia' and 'dystopia' - they are so far-fetched, and amusing.

I never realised how many sub-sections of political ideals are presented on the internet. It's definitely an area I would like to explore more!!

I had fun with the tutorial tasks this week. I certainly hope this is elaborated on next lecture.

Until the next chapter...


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