Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My e-love life

Yes, I admit, I've been having an e-love life for the past, ohhh, I don't know, 6 years?

No, I don't mean dating online or falling in love with my World of Warcraft soul mate some where on the other side of the world. No, this love life is my love of the Internet. It all started when I was, oh, say, 12? *remembers in a dream like sequence*

I was possibly the only kid in my grade 7 class without MSN messenger. My parents refused to let me have MSN, because it was 'dangerous' and 'a waste of time'. I remember constantly begging my parents to let me have MSN - after all, I was allowed a computer in my room, but not MSN - how cruel! After months of begging, they still didn't give in. So, I went out to a friends house and created one. Yes, I created an MSN account that I would never use, but still, it meant I had one.

From there on in my love for technology only grew. I found Neopets, which was, at the time, the greatest website of all time. In about grade 8 My parents gave in, and let me have MSN, after I told them all the benefits of keeping in touch with my new 'high-school' friends. In about grade 9 I decided to create a 'MySpace'. It was all the rage, what, with changing background and songs along with commenting all your friends. It was all about who had the best home page and who had the most comments and friends.

I now also have a music myspace. It's about the only thing I use myspace for now days.

I jumped on the 'facebook' and 'twitter' bandwagons pretty quickly after they came out. I love using twitter, even with being called a 'twit'. I love to follow D list celebrities and politicians, as I believe they have the most interesting things to say.

I am often sceptical about social networking sites however. I see issues such as the multiple suicides due to bullying, and it really worries me. I try to analyse everything I am thinking before I post something on a website, because I am well aware that once things are on the Internet, they are out there for everyone to see. Especially as I want to follow a career as a politician, you would have for something as silly as a photograph of you partying get out.

But social networking sites aren't all doom and gloom. As longs as they are used properly then they can be lots of fun. After all, those facebook quizzes are ever so accurate, Looks like I'm marrying someone with the initials I.E - Thanks Facebook!! Now, I can scan all my future partners to make sure they have the right initials before we start dating.

I love Internet Explorer. Who knows, I might just marry it!

Until the next chapter.....

xx :)

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