Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Assignment!!

Well hi there blogger friends,

Hope all of your assignments are going well. I'm not having to many difficulties writing the actual assignment suprisingly. My only problem is that I have sooooooooo much that I want to write.....

I wrote out a plan - with different catagories. I split the question up into it's seperate components and I found an example for each part of the qestion. Unfortunately I state it so blatently because of the word limit!!! I don't get to delve in and analyze the closer aspects of it, which is what I love to do.

I don't know how anything I write will stay under the word limit. - Hello! Politics!! Ha.... word limit. I just hope that it all works out, it's been such an interesting topic, but my brain is frying with all the assessment going on, so very very soon it will be over, and my brain can go back to sipping cocktails.... oh wait, that will be me!

Any who, best of luck friends, I look forward to peeping at your assignments over the weekend!

Until the next chapter...

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